Tehnika Ljutomer

Urban Divas Limited Edition

Urban Divas Limited Edition

Prlekija-on.net, ponedeljek, 29. junij 2009 ob 21:50

Sobota, 18. julij @ Bar Klub, Ljutomer - Urban Divas Limited Edition with miss LORI J. WARD aka LORI THE HIFI PRINCESS

Najprodornejša domača krotilka plošč, mati prleškega tehna, pionirka elektronskega gibanja v Pomurju ter priznana klubska promotorka Trick-C, se vrača v domače okolje s serijo rezidenčnih večerov Urban Divas LTD. Rezidenca v klubu Sfings's v Fikšincih, ustanovitev prvega slovenskega rejv kluba, nastopanje na legendarnih zabavah Interparty in Undergound Grooves z Umekom in Kanzyanijem v mariborski Pekarni, vzpenjajoča se mednarodna kariera, ustvarjanje lastne glasbe in organiziranje priljubljenih zabav Urban Divas s prepoznavno žensko noto širom Slovenije, so le nekatere reference, ki vlivajo upanje, da bo s prijatelji spet malo bolj razgibala klubsko dogajanje v Prlekiji in Pomurju. Misije se bo lotila z novo serijo intimnih in hkrati ekskluzivnih klubskih zabav, z izbranimi domačimi in tujimi gosti.

Kot prva bo prišla domačnost Prlekov in razgibanih goric spoznavat dunajska hifi princeska kanadskih korenin, Lori J. Ward. Dolgoletna didžejka slovi kot ena najbolj vsestranskih elektronskih glasbenic, saj svoje nesporne gramofonske veščine odlično dopolnjuje tako z ustvarjanjem lastne glasbe kot tudi petjem. Glasba jo je preko domovine, zahodne ameriške obale in New Yorka že ob koncu 90. let pripeljala na otok potem pa preko Luksemburga na Dunaj, mešanica housa, tehna in elektra pa ob bok tako raznolikim didžejem kot so Jeff Mills, Richie Hawtin, Boy George, Tom Novy, Gayle San in Timo Maas. Nenazadnje pa se lahko pohvali tudi z izdanim albumom Foreign Communications, uvrstitvijo skladbe Disastermind na uradno kompilacijo nepozabne berlinske »Love Parade« in še eno ploščo, ki jo je posnela kot pevka dueta Phonix.

Trick-C: http://www.myspace.com/djtrickc
Lori J. Ward: http://www.myspace.com/lorijward
Myspace Urban Divas: http://www.myspace.com/urbandivaseu o projektu UD

Trick-C in Urban Divas

Prva dama slovenskega tehna*, Trick-C., je med gramofoni trdno zasidrana že debelo desetletje.
Kot didžejka in organizatorka zabav se je uveljavila z mednarodno pobudo Urban Divas, v kateri združuje plesni elektroniki predane dame in njihove somišljenike najrazličnejsih umetniških izrazov. Zadnje čase se prebija tudi z izvirno avtorsko produkcijo, ki se, tako kot njeni seti,napaja globoko v undergorundu.


Če drzi, da je za umetnike pomembno redno menjanje okolja, je mati prleškega tehna na dobri poti,da se v klubske anale zapise z mastnim tiskom. *Lento mama prleškega tehna* si je prigarala na začetku kariere v 90-ih, ko je z novimi elektronskimi zvoki kultivirala ljutomerske gorice in Pomurje, po selitvi v Maribor in kasneje v Ljubljano pa je vztrajno sirila mrezo sodelavcev in simpatizerjev. Vsaj tako kot didžejka je znana tudi kot organizatorka zabav.

Urban Divas
je ime njenih zabav in obenem družbeno angažirana mednarodna pobuda, s katero želi s somišljenicami plesišcem vdihniti dodatno, žensko noto: "Ker se vedno težko dobimo priložnost za redno nastopanje, poskušam pod eno streho zbrati kar najvec kvalitetnih didžejk.« Prednost dajem trajnejšim sodelovanjem, saj je tako večere lažje promovirati, veliko pozornosti pa namenjam tudi manj uveljavljenim puncam, saj jim želim ponuditi priložnost, ki je sama pogosto nisem imela."

Trick-C se zadnja leta intenzivneje posveča tudi ustvarjanju lastne glasbe. Pri tem se, tako kot pri delu za mešalno mizo, ne ozira toliko na modne smernice kot gradnjo samosvoje glasbene zgodbe, ki se od nekdaj močno napaja v alternativi. Tej glasbeni filozofiji sledi tudi s svojim najnovejšim komadom DeTour (izšel pri slovenski mednarodno priznani založbi Vezotonik006, Various, United EP na kateri se najdejo še skladbe umetnikov: Miličević, Veztax, Kobaya....)
Skladba ima več skupnega s prvinskim tehnom kot brezosebnimi glasbenimi matricami, katerim je v zadnjih letih podlegla večina staroborcev.

Nekaj izbranih

- umetnikov s katerimi je sodelovala:
Umek (SI), Kanzyani (SI), La Di Da (CZ), Joel Muel (SW), Veztax(SI), Mary (HR), Ian F.(SI), Marcus Storck (SW), Virgin Helena (HR), Gayle Sun (UK), Damon Wild (UK), Carlijn(NL), Electric Indigo (AUT), Mistress Barbara (S), Beyza (TR) ,Frajman (HR), Kiki (HR),...

- klubov doma: U-Bahn (Kranj), Gustav Pekarna (Maribor), Sfings (Murska Sobota), Lipa Klub (Ljubljana), K4 (Ljubljana), Heaven (Trebija), Afrika (Trebnje), Chanell 0 (LJ), Cvetlicarna-Mediapark (Ljubljana), Super Li (Ptuj), Cafe Galerija (LJ), Bollywood (Metlika), Fun Factory (Ljubljana), Kaos (Idrija), Sub Sub (Ljubljana), Cafe Galerija (Ljubljana)

- v tujini:
Theatro (A-Graz), Castle Mikulichi (HR-Zagreb), Valentino (HR-Zagreb), Fourt Bourgignon (HR-Pula), Oxygene (HR-Osijek), Fuse (Belgija, Bruselj), Cube (Belgija, Bruselj)K-Nal (Belgija-Bruselj)Masters(HR-Zagreb), Fanatic (HR-Zagreb), De Ja Vu (Izmet-Turčija)Gonia (Turčija)

- festivali: Space Night (SI), UFO beats (HR), SLO All Stars I+II+III, Optimistica I+II (SI-Ljutomer), Interparty/Underground Grooves (I+II+III), Born to be wild festival (SI-2005), City of woman festival (SI-2005), LoveBall (BE-Brusseles 2006)

- organizirani eventi: 1995/96 Energy trip I,II in III (Logarovci, Ljutomer), rezidenca Belevue 2000 - 2001 (Ljubljana) , rezidenca Sfings klub 2001-2002, Ladies Update @ Lipa, 2003 (Ljubljana), Bodywork @ Gustav, 2005 (Maribor), MyWay @ Impulz Future Club, 2006 (Maribor), Ladies Snatch @ K4, 2005 (Ljubljana), Woman Attack @ Cvetlicharna,2006 (Ljubljana)

- Urban Divas projekti: UD Pioneers@Cvetlicarna 2007 (LJ), Urban Divas@Bollywood dance festival 2007 (Metlika), Urban Divas@Chanell 0, 2007 (6 eventov z gosti), Urban Divas@T-Club Maribor (2007), Confessions on a dancefloor@Cvetlicarna Mediapark 2008 (Ljubljana), Urban Divas@Fun Factory, 2008, Ljubljana, Urban Divas@ Klub Sub Sub, 2009, Ljubljana, Urban Divas@Klub Kaos, 2009, Idrija

Več informacij na:
najdete v blogu, pics: fotogalerija organiziranih eventov
Myspace Urban Divas: http://www.myspace.com/urbandivaseu o projektu UD

Trick-C SubSub Ljubljana, 6.2.08 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOfWE85CpIc
Trick-C Trust Maribor, 11/07 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxRLOz_h5d8
Tukaj lahko snamete mix-Trick-C_Rakiya_promo_mix_09: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4IXFYE30

Lori J Ward aka HiFI Princess


Caballero Records, Petrol Dollar, Mashtronic, Sick Music, Music Mail, Divide Records, Eletrikka Records, Unlove Music, Flavorite Music, Groove Gut Records, WC Music, Mahgnet Records, Highball Music

From 1993 on, International DJ Hi-Fi Princess aka Lori Ward established herself rapidly in the underground party scene in her hometown Victoria in Canada. Her love for music evolved fast into a strong desire to start spinning.

Lori#s first 'little' breakthrough was her quirky electronic house and tech sound that she developed between '95 and '98, that quickly expanded her territory throughout the West Coast of America and across Canada.

At the end of that period in '98 she decided to head off to Europe and finally landed in London where she soon held two residencies and additionally made appearances at club 333 Old Street. After only six months, Luxury U.K. promotions organized an offer for a weekly residency in Luxembourg's Evolution that she accepted and therefore had the opportunity to play alongside some of the 'most wanted' in the scene like Timo Maas, Gayle San and Ritchie Hawtin.

From here on, Miss Ward was continously taking part in the 'ever-changing' music scene in Europe and kept on evolving her sound into a sophisticated mix of Techno and Electro. While touring through Europe she found herself again on stage with great Djs like Joachim Garraud, Jeff Mills, Boy George, Tom Novy, Valantino Kanzyani and Adam Beyer. Additionally, the Hi-Fi Princess stood behind the decks in some of the most wanted clubs and festivals in the world! A few examples are The Tunnel in New York City, Liquid Club in Madrid, Koneisto Festival in Finland, Mazzo in Amsterdam, the Sona in Montreal, Turbo in Toronto, 1015 Folsom in San Francisco, Klub Kuaille in Tokyo and Cittadella in the Czech Republic and her residency Suncity in Graz (Austria). Loris first release was on Shimmy Recordings in 1999, her track 'Refused Entry' came out within the 'Collective Thoughts EP', that soon gained great reputation by some of the top Dj's of the scene.

After having lived in New York City for four successful years ('98 till '02), she made the decision to move back to Europe where she found a new home in Vienna, Austria. Her interests fixed in the studio, while still having the stuffed Dj-schedule, what meant hard work and patience.

In 2004 she took the next step of her carreer and released her first album under the alias Lori J. Ward. 'Foreign Communication' is a 13 track downtempo cd, available at www.ebl.cc and beatport records.It was re-signed again to Chill ball music. Soon after that she also signed to Highball Music, while one of her tracks entitled 'Disastermind' (available on Join Us Records) emerged and was signed to the Love Parade Berlin 2004 Compilation and five other large european dance compilations.

Finally another track of her album 'The New Xavier' was nominated out of 11.000 entries into the top ten for the International Song Contest, and additionally received an honorable mention!

Leaving behind this wave of success, Lori J. Ward decided to try something new and fresh, and started to sing as well. The multitalented Lori therefore founded a new project together with Tobias Frick in 2005. The live act is called 'Phonix' and includes her fascinating voice! Her vocal career was somehow rushing into her life. On her 'Phonix' album 'House of Jive' her voice is part of electro-breaks-down tempo and rockish. And as the new vocalist for Greeks successfull House-export Kevin Sunray, she released one of the top hits on the dance charts in 2006 that held the number one sales position on decks.de for three weeks: Kevin Sunray & Agent Greg feat. Lori J. Ward, 'Breathe Easy'.

Lori J. Ward and Tobias Frick will have their first release on Unlove music. Their track 'Design Me' will be released in July 2007 with remixes from The Whiteliners, Kevin Sunray, Falko Nestolik and Eddie F.. For more infos on 'Phonix' have a look at www.phonix.com

'Breathe Easy' on Caballero Records, lori has had many requests as a vocalist. Recently, thanks to 'Breathe Easy' , Lori has teamed up with many sucessful producers including Kevin Sunray, Mario Ochoa, Dj Alexsij, The Whiteliners and many more.

Recently Released tracks including Lori on the vocals are 'True love' - Mario Ochoa feat. Lori J. Ward on SICK Music, 'A Better way' - The Whiteliners feat. Lori J Ward and 'No Solutions' -Dj Alexsij Feat. Lori J. Ward. Any of these prone to continue to hit the charts! As well as her well sought oafter ‘ Minimal in my head released on 2008

Upcoming Releases include tracks with Ian F, Tomy De Clerqe on Mashtronic, 2 releases on the romanian label petrol dollar as well as vocal projects.

Lori J. Ward with her ever changing style, as unexpected as unforeseeable, performing live with 'Phonix' and djing house/electro and groovy techno-tech-house and minimal. At several live acts she already caught people with her charismatic and soft voice and dj skills, from the eye of the beholder it even looked like there was a little star shining as if already rising ... Watch out!

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