Calimero opening german deutsch

The intro of the cartoon Calimero in german. Calimero (Karimero) is a Japanese anime series (based on an Italian creation) about a charming, but hapless anthropomorphized cartoon chicken; the only black one in a family of yellow chickens. He wears half of his egg shell still on his head. The characters were created by Nino and Toni Pagot and originated as a series of animated advertisements shown throughout Italy. The characters were later licensed in Japan as an anime series, twice. The first was made by Toei Animation and ran from October 15, 1974 to September 30, 1975, and the second, with new settings and characters, was made in 1992 . Altogether, 99 Japanese episodes were made (47 in the 1974 Toei series, and 52 in the 1992 series).